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View IaaS Inventory

You can get a summary of all your public cloud resources under API-enabled Protection > IaaS > Inventory. The resources are categorized by,

  • Compute

  • VPC

  • Storage - The total number of AWS S3 Buckets, Azure Blob Containers, and GCP Storage Buckets.

  • Databases

  • Security Groups

  • Roles

  • Users

You can view detailed information on various resource items by clicking on the resource category.

There is an Add Filter button on every page that helps you customize your view. Click Add Filter and select an option from the list. The following filter options are available on the Inventory dashboard.

  • Account Name

  • Region

  • Resource Name

  • Resource Category

  • Tags

You can export the table on every page as a CSV file by clicking Export.


The Accounts widget displays the total number of IaaS accounts. You can use filters to customize the widget to view accounts categorized by cloud provider. 

Click Accounts to view detailed information on the accounts in the Accounts page. 


You can choose which columns are shown by clicking the gear icon and enabling specific columns.


Click the value displayed in the column to view details about the information displayed in the category.

The following are the options.

  • General 

    • Cloud Provider: The cloud service provider. Netskope Public Cloud Security provides security for AWS, Azure, and GCP.

    • # Region: The number of geographic regions this account is available in.

    • Creation Date: The account creation date.

  • Account

    • Status: The status of the IaaS account. 

    • # Compute: The number of compute resources this account uses.

    • # Database: The number of databases this account uses.

    • # Role: The user role assigned to this user account.

    • # Security Group: The security group associated with the account.

    • # Storage: The number of storage resources this account uses.

    • # User: The number of users assigned to this account.

    • # VPC: The number of VPCs in this account.

  • Alerts

    • # Alerts: The total number of alerts related to compliance rule violations. The highest severity level is displayed along with the number of alerts.

Click Add Filter to customize your view. The following filter options are available on the Accounts page.

  • Cloud Provider

  • Region

  • Resource Name

  • Resource Category

  • Tags


The Regions page displays all the regions and availability zones of your IaaS resources. To view this page, got to Cloud Infrastructure > Inventory and select Regions from the Inventory dropdown.


You can choose which columns are shown by clicking the gear icon and enabling specific columns.


Click the value displayed in the column to view details about the information displayed in the category.

The following are the options.

  • General

    • Cloud Provider: The cloud service provider. Netskope Public Cloud Security provides security for AWS, Azure, and GCP.

    • # Account: The total number of accounts in this region.

  • Region

    • #  Compute: The number of compute resources in this region.

    • # Storage: The number of storage resources in this region.

    • # Database: The number of databases in this region.

  • Account

    • # VPC: The number of VPCs in this region.

    • # Security Group: The number of security groups in this region.

  • Alerts

    • # Alerts: The total number of alerts related to compliance rule violations. The highest severity level is displayed along with the number of alerts.

Click Add Filter to customize your view. The following filter options are available on the Regions page.

  • Cloud Provider

  • Region

  • Resource Name

  • Resource Category

  • Tags