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Netskope Help

Header Insertion

Header Insertion (formerly known as Application Feature Support) provides special configurations for all discovered and custom apps, allowing you to enable certain app-specific features through a key-value pair setting. With this feature, you can control user access to different account types for the apps your organization uses.

You can manually add headers for all apps, including custom apps you configured in Netskope. Certain apps have predefined headers that you can select and configure. The following table includes examples of apps with available predefined headers.


Predefined Headers


  • Asana-Allowed-Domain-Ids

  • Asana-Allowed-Domains-Requester-Id

Cisco Webex



Team IDs

Google Suite

  • X-GoogApps-Allowed-Domains

  • X-GoogApps-Drive-Deny-Anonymous

Microsoft Office 365 Accounts

  • Cross-tenant Access Policy

  • Permitted Tenant List

  • Tenant Context


  • X-Slack-Allowed-Workspaces

  • X-Slack-Allowed-Workspaces-Requester

To configure header insertion for an app:

  1. Go to Settings > Manage > Header Insertion.

  2. Click New Header Insertion Profile. The New Key-Value Pair page appears.

  3. On the New Key-Value Pair page:

    • Application: Search for and choose the app you want to configure key-value pairs for.

      Once you choose an app you can click the Go-To-Icon-Header-Insertion.png icon to view more information about the app. If the app is a discovered one, the relevant Cloud Confidence Index page appears. If the app is a custom one, the App Definition page appears.

    • Header Key-Value: Click Custom to manually add a header key. Depending on the app, you can also choose a predefined header key. Next, enter a value for the header in the text box below.

      Click the +ADD button to add another key-value pair. Click delete_icon.png to delete a key-value pair.

    Configuring a New Key-Value Pair on the Netskope Header Insertion page
  4. Click Save.

Once you save a header, you can edit or delete it. If the header insertion profile includes multiple key-value pairs, click View Additional Key-Value pairs to see all the pairs that belong to the profile.

How to view, edit, or delete a Key-Value Pair on the Netskope Header Insertion page.