Manage Quarantine Files
This endpoint allows different operations to be performed on quarantined files.
Request Endpoint
Valid parameters are:
Key | Value | Description |
| string | Required. The token obtained from the REST API page in the Netskope UI ( Settings > Tools > Rest API v1) is required. We recommend that you place the token in the body of the request, not in the endpoint URL. |
| ID of a quarantine profile. |
| Unix epoch time (rounded off to nearest period) |
| Unix epoch time (rounded off to nearest period) |
| ID of a file, needed to identify a file. |
There is no REST API to actually download a file because a file download will not be done through a web service. It goes directly to the API Connector service (via a redirection through NGINX).
A typical scenario to download quarantined files is outlined below:
Get the list of quarantined files using
op = get-files
).The token passed in here is the REST API token for the tenant.
In the response for each file there will be a quarantine_profile_id and file_id for each file which can be downloaded.
For each file, get a download URL using op = download-url
Parameters to be passed are the quarantine_profile_id and file_id returned in 1a. (like
https://<tenant-name> download-url&quarantine_profile_id=<yyy>&file_id=<zzz>)
This returns a HTTP Redirect response (Response Code 302) and the redirect location will be like
https://<tenant-name><Temp Token>&quarantine_profile_id=<yyy>&file_id=<zzz>
Note that the token returned in the redirect header is a temporary token (not the Tenant REST API token). This token will be valid for 30secs or so.
The API Connector service will validate the token and respond with the file requested.
After downloading the file and looking at it, take an action (allow or block) using op = take-action. (like
Note the token passed here is again the tenant REST API token.