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Common Reports

The following table contains a list of some of the common reports created by some of our customers.

Report Type


Top 10 Application categories in Use

Create a report to summarize by Application Category and display the number of applications, sessions, and bytes.

Top Applications categories eliminating some appcategories

Create a report to summarize by appcategory or application to show the data:

  • appcategory neq 'Data & Analysis'

  • appcategory neq eCommerce

  • appcategory neq Marketing

  • appcategory neq Security

  • appcategory neq Social

  • appcategory neq 'Tracking apps'

  • appcategory neq 'Web Analytics'

  • appcategory neq 'Web Proxies/Anonymizers'

Identify more details on all the apps in a specific appcategory. This is to understand how many different apps are being used by the users in a single appcategory

Filter the report further by specifying specific appcategories. Use query appcategory eq

Top users by Data movement

Create a report to summarize by users by data movement.

App location outside of US

Create this report using the query: dst_country != US

Top cloud storage apps consuming bandwidth

Use the query: appcategory eq 'Cloud Storage'), and select the Page event type and Summarize by Application.

Top risky cloud storage apps

Use the query: (ccl eq medium or ccl eq low or ccl eq poor)and appcategory = 'Cloud Storage', and select the Page event type and Summarize by Application.

Mobile users accessing cloud storage apps

Use the query: appcategory eq 'Cloud Storage' and device eq 'iOS Device', and select the Application event type and Summarize by User.

Apps with datacenters outside of the US

Use the query: "dst_country neq US and appcategory eq 'Cloud Storage'", and select the Application event type and Summarize by Application. To get a list of users accessing these apps, Summarize by Users.

Highest uploads to apps rated medium confidence or below

Create this report using the query: ccl eq medium or ccl eq low or ccl eq poor

Summarize by Applications, bytes uploads.

Top apps with no secure password policies

Create this report using the query: app-cci-secure-pass-policy eq No

Summarize by Applications, sessions and bytes data

OU-based reporting: If the log contains the OU or if ADConnector is deployed for doing the IP > User mapping, we can write reports based on OU hierarchy

Create a report as follows:

  • Event Type: Page

  • Summarize by: OU

  • Choose OU Level : All >

    This will display the entire OU hierarchy. You can also choose to report based on a specific OU level. For example: OU /Users/Los Altos/Marketing.

    You can now report on OU-level "Marketing" which only includes the marketing team or report on OU Level "Los Altos", which includes all employees in Los Altos.

AD Group based reporting: If both Directory Importer and AD Connector are deployed, we can write reports based on AD Groups

Create a report with:

  • Event Type: Page

  • Summarize by: Group