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Cisco Webex Messages with Violations Page

The Messages with Violations page displays a list of messages that triggered policy violations.


You can refresh the page by clicking the refresh icon beside the instance name of the app.

The Messages with Violations page displays a table with the following fields:

  • Sent At: Time when the message was sent.

  • Sender: The name of the sender.

  • Exposure: The exposure of the message or file. There are four types of exposure viz., shared in external organization, private, internal, and external.

  • Policy Hit: The triggered policy due to the violation.

  • Message ID: Unique ID of the message or file.

  • Violations In: The location of the violation in Cisco Webex Teams. The violation can be for a text or attachment.

  • Team: Name of the Cisco Webex team.

  • Space: Name of the Cisco Webex space.

The Messages with Violations page allows you to search for specific messages using filters. To use the search filters, click + Add Filter to apply one or more of these filters:

  • Sender Name: Filter messages based on the email address of the sender.

  • Message ID: Filter messages based on the message ID.

  • Violation In: Filter messages based on the type of file involved, like within the message or in an attachment.

  • Sender Type: Filter messages based on whether they are sent by an internal or external user.

  • Exposure: Filter messages based on whether they were private, internal, external, and shared in an external organization. 

  • Space Name: Filter messages based on the space name.

  • Team Name: Filter messages based on the team name.

  • Organization: Filter messages based on internal or external organization.

  • DLP Policy Hit: Filter messages based on the DLP policy hit.

  • DLP Profile: Filter messages that may have critical information like PCI, PII, PHI, or any DLP profile.

  • DLP Rule: Filter messages that violate predefined and custom data identifiers in your DLP profiles.

Based on the filter used, a list of messages are displayed in the table. To view complete details about a message, click on an item to open the Message Details summary.

This page also allows you to export the contents of the table. Click Export to download a spreadsheet file. On the Export window, you can select the columns and rows, name the export file, and click Export.