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Netskope Help

Known Issues In Release 92.0.0

Here is the list of known issues in this release.

Issue Number

Product Category

Issue Description


API Data Protection

For folders with 1000+ collaborators, Box does not send the list of collaborators to Netskope. Due to this, API Data Protection rounds off the number of collaborators to zero. API Data Protection policy such as restrict access will not work for such folders. This is a limitation in the Box product.


Behavior Analytics

The user or user group-based exception field is not available in the Behavior Analytics shared credentials policy. It will be added in a future release.


Netskope Public Cloud Security

There is a public API to create CFT for Netskope storage scan instances:

curl --location --request POST
'<domain>/api/v1/public_cloud/account?token=xxxxxxxxxx&op=download' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--header 'Cookie: netskope=3b16bdf83fddce74c8c8ad65c7a7cfe9' \

--data-raw '{ "app": "aws", "type": "cft", "use_for": ["securityscan"]


When this API is used to create CFTs of AWS instances, remove the first character (which is a space character) from the downloaded CFT. Then upload the CFT in the AWS portal.


Skope IT

For malware alerts prior to this release, using the new md5 filter in search will result in no alerts being retrieved. A query using local_md5 can be used as an alternative.


Skope IT

A new filter ‘Corp Domain’ is added in Skope IT alerts to filter Compromised Credential alerts for the matched user type.

This filter needs to be used in conjunction with the Alert Type filter (set to ‘Compromised Credential) to correctly filter alerts for the Matched Username field; this filter will not return correct results if used on its own.

This filter will be moved to the Compromised Credentials Incidents page in a future release.



Netskope Client on macOS Big Sur and Monterey uses source IP for traffic sent to Netskope proxy or cloud firewall. If any Real-time Protection policy is applied on source IP, it will impact all traffic from the Netskope client on macOS Big Sur and Monterey.