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Netskope Help

Managing Administrators

The Netskope UI provides full access for deploying and managing admin rights for the Netskope solution.  As a Tenant Admin, you have full privileges to create and manage other admins.

Summary of Operations by Predefined Roles and Privileges

View and Manage means admins with this designation can perform all actions. View Only means admins with this designation can view, export CSV files, and download and email PDFs.




Advanced Settings




Tenant Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Delegated Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Restricted Admin

View Only

View Only

Cloud Intelligence Analyst

Application Risk Analyst

View Only

Enterprise Applications Admin

View and Manage

Directory Admin

View Only

View Only

Security Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

InfoSec Operations Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

Compliance Office

View and Manage

Security Analyst

View and Manage

View Only


View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage


API Data Protection



End Users

Incident Management


Tenant Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Delegated Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Restricted Admin

View Only

View and Manage

View Only

View and Manage

Cloud Intelligence Analyst

View and Manage

View and Manage

Application Risk Analyst

View and Manage

View and Manage

Enterprise Applications Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

Directory Admin

View Only

View Only

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Security Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

InfoSec Operations Admin

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Compliance Officer

View Only

View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Security Analyst

View and Manage

View and Manage


View and Manage

View and Manage

View and Manage

Functional Areas and UI Mapping

Each functional area has access to functionality in the UI. The table below shows the general mapping. Note, we do not have a menu item called Advanced Settings but the mapping shows the areas for which we consider to be advanced settings.

Functional Area

UI Component


Settings > Administration > Admins

Settings > Administration > Roles

Settings > Administration > Audit Logs

Advanced Settings

Settings > Administration > SSO

Settings > Administration > IP Allowlist

Settings > Tools > Rest API

Settings > Tools > Clear Events

End Users

Settings > Security Cloud Platform > Users

Settings > Security Cloud Platform > Groups

Settings > Security Cloud Platform > Devices


Everything under Policies (Main Menu)

Settings > Manage

API-enabled Protection

Everything under API-enabled Protection (Main Menu)

Settings > API-enabled Protection > SaaS

Settings > API-enabled Protection > IaaS

API Data Protection

Policies > API Data Protection

Real-time Protection

Policies > Real-time Protection

Security Posture

Policies > Security Posture


Everything under Settings


Everything under Cloud Confidence Index (Main Menu)


Skope IT > Events

SkopeIT> Alerts

Skope IT > Applications

Skope IT > Sites

Skope IT > Users

Advanced Analytics

Everything under Advanced Analytics (Main Menu) 


Policies > Forensic

Settings > Forensics


Incident > Anomaly

Incident > Compromised Credentials

Incident > Malware

Incident > Malsites