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GitHub Users Page

The Users page provides a high-level overview on the status as well as stats of both users and collaborators. You have the ability to search for users that may violate corporate policy.


You can refresh the page by clicking the refresh icon beside the instance name of the app.

The Users page displays a table with the following fields:

  • User Name: Name of the user.


    To search users in a domain, use the * wildcard. For example, to search for users in the domain, enter *

  • # Repositories: Number of GitHub repositories each user accesses.

  • User Type: Internal, external, or blocked user.

  • Reported Location: Region or country where the user resides.

  • Policy Hits: Name(s) of the policy with violations by a user.

The Users page allows you to search for a specific user using filters. To use the search filters, click the filter icon to apply one or more of these filters:

  • User Name: Find users based on the email address of the user.

  • Repository Name: Find users based on a specific repository.

  • Policy Name: Find users based on a specific policy.

  • User Type: Find users based on user type; internal, external, or blocked.

Based on the filter used, a list of users is displayed in the table. To view complete details about a user, click on an item to open the User Details summary.

This page also allows you to export the contents of the table. Click EXPORT to download a spreadsheet file. In the EXPORT pop-up window, you can either select all or custom rows.