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Using the REST API v2 dataexport Iterator Endpoints

The Netskope dataexport endpoints, also called iterator endpoints, provide a simplified way of consuming tenant log information. This article describes the best practices for consumption of this data. Netskope recommends leveraging existing clients for SIEM integration where possible through the use of the following solutions:

If the aforementioned clients are insufficient, Netskope also provides a python SDK.

How Do Iterator Endpoints Function

Through the use of an index, the Netskope platform tracks log consumption though a simplified operational workflow that replicates that often seen in web forums. When a consumer requests a page of data from the endpoint, Netskope delivers the requested data by writing an index as to the data provided. When the consumer has completed processing the requested page of data, the consumer simply requests the next page of data.

Each endpoint stores its own index value, which is provided by the consumer on query. This allows for easy parallelization of API calls across multiple endpoints concurrently.


Multiple consumers leveraging the same endpoint and index concurrently is not supported and could result in the appearance of missing data on the consumer.

Iterator Query Structure

The endpoint query structure is very easy to construct.

Supported Iterator Operations
  • epoch timestamp: If an epoch timestamp is provided, this informs the Netskope endpoint to begin log consumption starting at this time.

  • next: The next operation value requests the next page of data from the Netskope endpoint.

  • head: The head operation value requests the first page of data stored within the Netskope endpoint.

  • tail: The tail operation value requests the most current page of data stored within the Netskope endpoint.

  • resend: If the consumer is unable to process the page of data provided, resend operation will issue a retry of the last page of data requested.

The epoch timestamp, next, head, and tail operations all update the Netskope stored index, where the resend operation asks for the prior page without updating the index.

Iterator Index

The index value for the iterator is a string value supplied by the consumer that is used by Netskope to store the page values. This index should be unique by the consumer to prevent data consumption challenges. The consumer may use the same index value across multiple endpoints without concern.

The index string is used for when more than one system is pulling logs. For example, you are using demo as the index and pull records 1-1000. The next time demo pulls logs, it will pull logs 1001-2000 (if pulling 1000 at a time).

If you leave it blank and have two systems pulling logs, the first system will pull logs 1-1000, and then when the second system pulled logs, it will get 1001-2000. This is not optimal.

If you have system1 (demo1) and system2 (demo2) pulling logs at the same time, each will get 1-1000 if using unique index strings.

Not using an index has the chance of "being reused". If you define your own index, you can guarantee that only you have that index value and won't lose records.

Page Size

Netskope Iterator endpoints deliver 10,000 record pages per API call.

Wait Time

Each iterator query will provide guidance in seconds how long to wait. This value is calculated based on the amount of data returned in your API call.

    "ok": 1,
    "result": [
    "wait_time": 5
Rate Limits

Netskope supports 4 requests per second per iterator endpoint. Using the response headers to manage rate limits to avoid 429 error messages is recommended.

  • RateLimit-Limit: Rate limits are applied by endpoint, and this value provides the number allowed per second

  • RateLimit-Remaining: The amount of queries supported before the interval resets before generating a 429 error message.

  • RateLimit-Reset: The time before the rate limits are reset, this value is in seconds.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
RateLimit-Limit: 4
RateLimit-Remaining: 1
RateLimit-Reset: 1


If a Rate is exceeded, the headers will be extended, and the data payload will mention why the query returned a 429 error response.

  • Retry-After: This is the recommended wait time before retrying your query. This value is in seconds.

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
RateLimit-Remaining: 0
RateLimit-Reset: 1
Retry-After: 1
RateLimit-Limit: 4
  "message":"API rate limit exceeded"

Example of workflow using the iterator endpoint starting with the oldest record Netskope has.

  1. Craft your query using the operation=head, and index value.

  2. Review the wait_time attribute in the JSON response.

    "wait_time": 5
  3. Request the next page of data from the endpoint.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Error Response Codes

Error Code

User Action Required




Check the API V2 token is associated to the valid endpoint and its not expired. A Retry will solve the problem only after solving the token issue by following the guidelines.



Concurrency conflict and the request cannot be processed at this point of time. DataExport API V2 endpoints does not support downloading the same event type concurrently with same iterator index and the client is expected to validate the logic to pull the events is single threaded.



Too many request for the same tenant accessing the same endpoint. The Client is expected to honor the rate limit to avoid a 429 error, and as part of the response header, it carries the reset time in the header ratelimit-reset. The Client is expected to sleep/wait (ratelimit-reset ) to avoid the 429. The current rate limit is 4 req / second / endpoint.



Netskope is having a temporary server issue for one of these reasons:

  • DataBase Query timeout.

  • Server overloaded.

  • Internal DNS issues. Upon receiving 5xx error from Netskope Server, we recommended that you do a backoff of 5 seconds wait time before the next call.