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Netskope Help

Internal Domains

An internal domain is a domain owned or controlled by your organization. You can define internal domains for Next Generation API Data Protection. When defined, Netskope treats such domains as internal, thus, affecting the sharing exposure of users & files.


Users who are considered external, guests, or anonymous by a SaaS app are also treated as external by Netskope unless their email address belongs to one of these internal domains. In Next Generation API Data Protection policies, "External Domains and Anonymous Users" refers to those users who are neither considered internal by the SaaS app nor according to the Netskope internal domains configuration.

To define an internal domain, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Netskope tenant UI.

  2. Navigate to Settings > Administration > Internal Domains.

  3. Click Edit and enter the domain name.


    • Enter one domain name per line.

    • You can use wild card (*). For example, *.example.*.

  4. Click Save.