Let us say in the previous report you obtained a list of software development apps and want to investigate the usage for a specific app to identify the users, session usage, and bandwidth.
To create a users accessing specific apps line graph:
Create a new report and add a chart.
For Event Type, select Page.
For Time, select Last 30 Days.
Enter the query
app eq 'Atlassian - JIRA'
Click Next.
For Summarize By, select User.
For Format, select Line.
For Widget Size (height,width), select 2,2.
For Show Top, select 10.
For Summarize Next, select None.
Click Next.
For Numeric Values, select Sessions.
Click Next.
For Name, enter Users Accessing Atlassian JIRA Line Graph.
Click Save Chart.
A line graph displays on the Reports page.
This report shows:
A list of the top 10 users accessing Atlassian JIRA (names intentionally omitted above).
The total number of sessions per user.
You can export this line graph in CSV format, and download or email this report in PDF format. You can modify this report to show applications, bytes downloaded, bytes uploaded, and total bytes.